6 Reasons You May Need a ColonoscopyApr 15, 2023Preventative screening tests, such as a colonoscopy, should not be neglected when it comes to routine health visits. A colonoscopy is one of the most effective screening methods for colon cancer.Continue reading →
5 Things to Know About PillCam Capsule EndoscopyFeb 15, 2023Technology in the gastroenterology field has advanced beyond the traditional endoscopy procedure. The PillCam capsule endoscopy is a simple and effective tool to help detect and diagnose gastrointestinal issues or diseases.Continue reading →
What is the Gut-Brain Axis?Jan 12, 2023You may be surprised to learn the brain’s role in the health of your gut microbiome. The gut-brain axis is a strong connection; your emotions or mental health can affect your gastrointestinal tract and vice versa.Continue reading →
6 Acid Reflux Foods to AvoidOct 31, 2022Acid reflux is a prevalent GI condition commonly referred to as heartburn. Certain acid reflux foods can be a primary source of triggering this condition and GERD.Continue reading →
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Everything To KnowSep 30, 2022Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common gastrointestinal (GI) issues. While the term is frequently heard, not many know what it is precisely or its associated symptoms.Continue reading →
5 Most Common Food AllergiesAug 31, 2022Having a food allergy is extremely common in children and adults. The most common food allergies affect about 11% of US individuals. Keep reading to learn more about these food allergens, the symptoms to look out for, and what you can do about it.Continue reading →
6 Lifestyle Tips for Improving Gut HealthJul 15, 2022There has been a recent buzz around gut health and the importance of healing your gut, but what does this actually mean, and more importantly, how does one go about it?Continue reading →
3 Signs You May Be Gluten IntolerantJun 15, 2022Before we dive in to being gluten intolerant, are you familiar with what exactly gluten is? Gluten is a component of dietary grains, most commonly wheat, rye, and barley. It can also be found in prepared foods as an additive.Continue reading →
Colonoscopy: What to Expect Before and AfterMay 13, 2022One of our most common procedures at Wake Endoscopy Center is a colonoscopy. If you’re unfamiliar with this treatment, it is the visual examination of the lining of a colon.Continue reading →
10 Things to Know About Gastrointestinal EndoscopyApr 06, 2022As a patient, getting new procedures done can be scary and nerve-racking. To relieve those nerves you may want to feel prepared and properly informed about your procedure.Continue reading →